Thursday, September 18, 2008

Inspired to Write

Josh hates it when we make him write. It's okay if he does it on his own terms, but I really want to encourage writing more than just the bare minimum to get through school. Tonight we were at praise band practice with Tom and he was acting kinda, well, eight. I offered to pay him a dollar to write me a story that was front and back of a page (he writes big and on every other line).

I started him off with a line and he responded with very little and went off again to play. I didn't want to give up so I wrote another line and asked him to alternate with me. This is what we came up with:

The day my mom was turned into a toad...

We kicked her out of the house. She was gone for good. She was on her own. (tres harsh)

Then there was no one to wash clothes or dishes.

So daddy did it. Nothing was in place. (hehe)

I couldn't find my underwear and there were plates in my dresser drawers.
Then mama's drawers made out of chocolate. I ate them all up. There was nothing left.

I had a tummy ache. I really missed my mom. I decided to go find the witch that turned her into a toad.

But it was too scare [sic] that I never went. The next day I was too busy playing game cube that I never went.

Then my brother, who is much braver then me, went and found the witch and had my mom restored to her proper form. She found my underwear!!!

Then she turned back into a toad.

The end!

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