Sunday, March 23, 2008

Who has the coolest mom? Maggie, of course!

In our desperate attempts to spoil our poor pitiful injured daughter I have proven my supreme coolness.

Maggie is disappointed that while in a cast (for insurance reasons) she cannot work out with the hotshots group at her gym. This very reasonable ban from the gym is in effect until May 30 (when the term ends). Her coach did a really good job working with me to create a workout that she can do at home. It just isn't the same. There must be something in the chalk that creates intense longing to punish your body. She has been a season ticket holder for UK Gymnastics since the 2004 season. She loves the "UK Gymnastic girls." During her first week in the cast she was particularly dejected, so on a lark I e-mailed the Coach of the UK Gymnastics team. I asked if the team could sign Maggie's cast.

This is Emilie Rymer (well, the back of her head) Maggie was able to watch her work on her floor routine while we were at the practice facility.

This is my favorite UK gymnast, Kristen O'Shields. She spoke with Maggie for about 10 minutes. How many college students do you know that prolong conversations with 6 yr olds?

Heather Hite, one of Maggie's top fav's from the team, made sure to find out what Maggie's favorite event was. Maggie asked her why she stopped using the Pirate's of the Caribbean theme music for her floor routine.

Hillary Ferguson, the most dynamic on floor I've seen since Michelle Gales competed for the Cats, seems really shy. It was surprising because how sassy she is during competition.

This is Coach Mo Mitchell. I am thankful he let us interrupt their workout to make my girl happy. The team had the last regular season meet to get ready for. YOU ROCK MO!!!!!!

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